What About Simple
Tooth Extraction?
While we rather don’t go to a dentist’s clinic, dental health is crucial for everyone’s health. One thing that can happen when we neglect our oral health is the need for teeth extraction. A little disregard for your hurting teeth can go a long way. And sometimes, you’ll be compelled to face the music of tooth extraction.
But, this doesn’t go to say that a Simple Tooth Extraction is a distressing experience. With the latest dental technology, our dentists are striving to make Tooth Extraction in Malolos Bulacan less painful for the patients.
At Dr. Keith’s Dental Clinic, our own Dr. Keith Anne Magsakay delivers a painless and stress-free procedure of Tooth Extraction in Malolos Bulacan.
As we believe all deserve a positive dental experience, our Dentist in Malolos Bulacan is on the mission to give precise advice and care to those who have problems with their dental health.
So what is a simple tooth extraction? As the name of the procedure suggests, it’s a fairly plain form of oral surgery compared to others procedure.

First, here’s a quick guide on what really
happens during a simple tooth extraction:

1. Numbing your tooth.
As a first step, the licensed dentist will perform anesthetization to your tooth and the bone and gum tissue that surrounds the affected tooth.
Normally, the dentist will inject an anesthetic.
Telling you that the shot is painless will ease your mind. But as much as we hope to deliver less stress, an injection will sting a bit initially.
However, after the anesthetization, the procedure will be considered pain-free except for the lingering feeling of uneasiness.

2. Expanding the Tooth Socket.
A tooth is encased in its socket and held in place by its ligament.
Performing extraction requires expanding the socket and extracts it from the ligament.
During simple tooth extraction, expect the dentist to lightly rock the tooth back and forth. This step helps to expand the hold of the ligament.
After some time, when the dentist deemed the hold of the tooth is weakening, the tooth can be finally loose and be removed.
During an extraction, anticipate hearing noises coming from your teeth. It’s either come from a bone fracture or root breakage. A minor snap is nothing to worry about, if ever.

3. closing the hole left.
The after process is fairly easy. After the dentist finds the tooth is completely removed, the closing procedure will begin. This may include a meticulous inspection of the extraction area. The dentist will scrape the walls of the empty socket to extract any residual infected tissue. She may pour saline solution to wash out any loose bone or any tooth remains.
If the procedure involves the danger of jaw damage, the dentist will compress the sides of the extracted socket by using fingers. This will help to restore the natural shape of the jawbone.
Also, expect the dentist to give you gauze to bite down to build pressure. If the need arises, the dentist can place materials to assist with the bleeding.
Overcrowding of teeth in the mouth
Teeth may grow to odd angles, impacted or may affect the bite and chewing ability. This condition creates an imbalance in the dental health and making other teeth nearby useless. Dentists called these certain conditions as “overcrowded.” Teeth that shifted to the wrong position or developed to large sizes can hinder the surrounding teeth to erupt correctly. This also includes wisdom teeth that can’t push through. To fix this, the dentist can extract the teeth.
Extraction is also recommended for preparation for orthodontic work. In some cases, one or more teeth are removed for functional or cosmetic reasons.

Tooth Damage
Some teeth are too late to save. For some, the dentist advised extracting the damaged ones, including the broken or cracked, or the “damaged teeth”.
There are extensive decays that procedures cannot be done.
Tooth Infection
Aside from damaged and decayed teeth, infected ones can be unsalvageable. This decay can affect the tooth’s pulp. As a result, the damage can spread to surrounding teeth. For some lighter cases, a root canal therapy can be a solution. However for severe instances, the dentists might opt to extract the infected one.

make an appointment now!
With the proper care and expertise, Tooth Extraction in Malolos Bulacan can give you years of confident and brighter smiles.
What to do after the surgery?
For aftercare guidelines, expect the dentist to give you detailed instructions on what to do and what to expect after your surgery. As the procedure is a case-to-case basis, make sure to ask questions regarding your procedure.
While simple tooth extraction is the easiest oral surgery, it doesn’t discredit the fact that it is still a surgery. Expect a discomfortable post-surgery. Here are lists of rules you need to follow to ensure fast and complete recovery.

- Take the antibiotics prescribed.
- Bite down on the gauze occasionally.
- Brush your teeth after 24 hours of the procedure. Be careful to put damage to the extraction area.
- Drink cold water after the bleeding subsides.
- Eat only soft foods after the procedure. Make sure to ask your dentist when can you take normal foods as it depends on the severity of your procedure.
- Avoid brushing your teeth for around 12 hours after the procedure.
- Avoid eating, drinking or talking for the first three hours of the post-treatment. Use your mouth only when you feel you can finally use it.
- Do not engage in a rigorous physical activity for the next days.
- Do not use a straw to drink during the first 24 hours after the extraction.
What your dentist needs to know before the procedure?
Before undergoing teeth extraction, tell your dentist your medical history. It is also paramount that you share details about the medications and supplements you are currently taking.
There are also certain conditions that can prevent you from having this procedure.
You can’t have tooth extraction if you have one of the following:
- Infections and Fever
- Impaired Immune System
- Cold and Cough
- Allergies
- Osteoporosis
- Diabetes
- Liver Disease
- Damaged or Man-made Heart Valves
- Artificial Joint
- Bacterial Endocarditis
- Congenital Heart Defect
- Suffering from Hypertension
Most frequent questions and answers
- Tooth decay
- Tooth damage
- Overcrowding of teeth in the mouth
- Primary or baby teeth not falling out in time, disrupting the growth of permanent teeth
- Impacted wisdom teeth