What About Complicated
Tooth Extraction?
While complicated tooth extraction may sound a bit daunting, it’s important to remember that we’re now living with modern technology. With up-to-date knowledge, the dentist can ensure a safe and successful tooth removal.
Oral surgery is crucial for people with teeth that are beyond saving. Tooth removal can prevent more damage and can be both use for functional and cosmetic reason. Complicated tooth extraction is the last resort if a simple tooth extraction would not work.
Normally to determine if you need this procedure, your dentist will run an X-ray test on your tooth. This will help the dentist to see if the tooth removal needs a surgical aid.

Why do you need a complicated tooth extraction?
Certain cases need a complicated tooth extraction procedure. It can be either planned or unpremeditated.
- Broken or Fragile Teeth
- Long or Curved Root Teeth
- Removable Dentures
- Root Tip Removal

Broken or Fragile Teeth
Some teeth can be chipped. If the crown of the tooth is not visible already for extraction, an incision might be necessary.
There are also situations that during the process, a tooth’s crown may break and leave the remaining root in the socket. While some cases can be manipulated by extraction instruments, there are instances that remaining can be left behind in the extraction site.

Long or Curved Root Teeth
Curved roots – Multirooted teeth have curved or crooked roots. It might prove to be difficult to extract in one pull.
Longer roots- Aside from curved roots, some teeth have longer and larger roots. It needs more pressure to extract it, which the dentist can’t risk doing as it might result in a broken crown.

Impacted Teeth
(wisdom teeth)
Teeth that did not develop to a normal angle can affect its surrounding. This situation requires surgical support.

Root Tip Removal
As mentioned above, there are cases that a tooth can be broken during a procedure. As a result, the root of the tooth will be left behind at the socket.
To remove it, the dentist will need to pinpoint the location of the root and make a tissue flap and bone removal.
- Injecting anesthetic
Like any other oral surgery, the tooth to be removed is injected by local anesthetic. This will help numb the surrounding gum tissue and bones. As usual, this shot can cause an initial stinging feeling but after a minute or two, the discomfort will dull to numbness. Incision and flap elevation
Some tooth is not completely visible to be removed. The dentist will make the necessary incision to reveal the tooth.Removing the hold of the ligament and bone
Next, the dentist will weaken the hold of the teeth to its ligament. This can be done by using a surgical instrument that is specially designed for the removal of the tooth to ligaments and bone.Loosening and elevation of the tooth
To finally extract the tooth, the dentist will apply enough leverage to loosen it. She will enlarge the tooth socket by using an instrument called the elevator. If the hole is large enough to extract the whole tooth, the dentist will finally pull it.Some dentist practices putting gauze as a safety net in the back of the mouth. This will prevent the patient to accidentally swelling the extracted tooth.
After removing the tooth, the dentist will scrape any residual tissue or bones.
make an appointment now!
With the proper care and expertise, Tooth Removal in Malolos Bulacan can give you years of confident and brighter smiles.